Saturday, January 17, 2009

just messing around with "cute" icons

I decided to express myself now, not only through written words but also with fancy icons I linked from a friend's site. I think this will be fun. :)

... myspace graphic comments
Graphics for Myspace

I want to go to the beach - just a time to relax, away from the grueling hours of being a student. Yet, the cold weather I am currently experiencing does not seem to agree with my idea. So I just have to wait till summertime, I guess. myspace graphic comments
Free Myspace Graphics

I love to read books. I am a self-confessed avid bookworm. And I wish to buy a new set of books - I am thinking more of the suspense type, stories with a twist of crime investigation and romance. And to read a book under a tree sounds nice. But maybe, I'll opt in a cozier place like on my bed. myspace graphic comments
Comments for Myspace

I just have to let go of Chummy, my recent puppy. I mean, she will not be staying wit me back in the apartment any longer. I will miss her so much, after the efforts of training her and taking care of her. (sighs) I'm attached already. myspace graphic comments
Comments for Myspace

I love butterflies. I really do. But it will be so bad to catch them and lock them up in a jar just for my own enjoyment! I remember one time, I saw a blue butterfly and I was fascinated, I tried following it much to my delight! myspace graphic comments
Myspace Graphics

This one is uberly cute. I wish I could get a stuff toy just like this on my birthday! Yes, I'm nearing 20 already!!! Not a teen anymore, but still a kid at heart. Haha.

O well. Another blog next time....

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