Sunday, February 22, 2009


Crush is a term fondly given to someone you like. It may either be a secretive or obvious liking of the opposite sex, or can be the same sex, for some.

But, I won't be talking about my 'crush'. Funny, I do not have one at this moment, though. I'll be just listing things that I personally like. Or maybe, I can include animals, people... just check 'em out!


I simply adore butterflies, especially if they exhibit BLUE color. I just can't get enough of them. I find it interesting to just watch them flutter around you, minding their own lives.


Angels. I refer to them as my personal guardians. I feel protected and assured knowing and believing they do exist and are with me always. I have experienced cases where I felt my guardian angel saving me, protecting me , with a swish of her/his fluffy wings and touch of her/his gentle hands. Still can't decide if my angel is a he or she. Sorry =D


Watching this stethoscope draped on a doctor's shoulders. I've always imagined myself, walking along the corridors of a hospital, clad in white, with my very own stethoscope. Also, with an attached stuff toy. (laughs) It's not that obvious I really do want to be a doctor. I like mine to be either pink or blue!


If ever I will have children, I'd rather have TWINS. Yes. A boy and a girl, and I'll be contented. There's an 'if', since I do not know when that would possibly happen. I would have to pursue my career and be successful first. =D


I like and appreciate water. All bodies of water. I love to swim. I love to frolick against the waves. I like the feelings of being summoned by the great ocean, or showered by the pretty falls. I wish I have time and money to venture on a trip to all beaches, falls and rivers...etc., there is! It would be fun!!!


I like to find the one for me. Someday. Someone who will cherish me for the rest of his lives. And will understand the path of career that I will take. Or if not, someone who will be my true best of friend. Someone who won't leave me because she/he has her/his own love life to take care of about.


I like books. As in, I'm totally addicted to reading once I grabbed one. You won't get a decent conversation with me if I'm actually reading a book. So, if you want to give me gifts on my birthdays and Christmas celebrations. . I'll be happy to receive books from you =)

Seriously, I am getting sleepy, so I have to end this first. Tsk!

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